About us
Since 1982, our mission is to allow you to lose and control your weight by a simple and effective method.
Our medical team has been advising you for over thirty years. All our clinical experience assures you a quality service and an effective support in your step to improve your health.
Because healthy eating is an increasingly important concern for everyone, our team strives to teach its clientele the protocols to achieve a healthy weight.
Understanding the causes of weight gain that lead to obesity
Obesity is the expression of a metabolic disorder characterized by a loss of fit between storage and use of lipids (fat) in the body. This imbalance settles on a favorable ground, determined genetically, at least in part if:
A. Your basal (genetically determined) metabolism is slow, which means that your body spends less energy to maintain your vital functions at rest.
B. The number of fat cells, still genetically determined, is higher than most of us.
C. The activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is constantly increased in your body, whereas it should be only after the meal. It would also be genetically determined.
D. You have inherited hypersensitivity to carbohydrates (sugar), that is to say that your pancreas, for a certain amount of sugar, produces more insulin than the average person.
E. Your diet consists mostly of carbohydrates (sugar) and fat at the expense of your protein intake.
F. You are sedentary and do not take at least thirty minutes a day to exercise, even if it's just a brisk walk.
G. Taking medication for another disease sometimes helps you overweight, for example lithium, some antidepressants, cortisone, etc.
But what is the cause of obesity? The human being is constantly in search of pleasure and the search for pleasure in the food does not escape it. It is well proven that carbohydrates (sugar), increase the palatability, that is to say that the flavor of sugary foods causes the desire for increased consumption. In addition, the consumption of a meal rich in sugar accelerates the synthesis of cerebral serotonin, substance that causes pleasure. Proteins have the opposite effect. In a meal, the higher the protein content, the less you want to consume.
- a sugar increases the appetite
- a protein cuts the appetite
- fat increases appetite
In reality, the deep reason for obesity leads us to become aware of our intentions and goals in life. What is predominant in our needs and why?
Seen from this angle, obesity becomes an opportunity for awakening and change. To return to the road of the ideal weight is to take back our life in hand, but above all to regain control of our thoughts and stop letting ourselves be dominated by the media and the values they inculcate us ...
Obesity is therefore the expression of a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by sensitivity to sugars and fats, which is aggravated by lifestyle. This dependence is normal in the context of our environment, which is focused on consuming products to make you consume more.
Lose weight by food chemistry
Principles based on food chemistry and hormonal control of metabolism are tools for:
A. Help your body burn off excess fat
B. Avoid the recurrence of cravings
C. Allow you to feel energized physically and mentally
D. Maximize your chances of maintaining optimal health
Healthy eating and alternatives tailored to your lifestyle
We offer our customers the alternative of eating with either food available in all food markets, or with food and dietary supplements as the customer deems appropriate. Our method is above all a learning, an awareness by acquiring knowledge of what exists in the food consumed, that is to say the percentages of protein, sugar and fat.
We teach clients to eat more often, a little at a time, and to promote protein at the expense of sugars and fats. We believe that sugar addiction is the source of the problem of widespread over consumption.
In our eyes, learning, awareness of what causes over-consumption of food, and strategies to reduce caloric intake are the best ways to manage the weight problem.
Our goal
To raise awareness of the factors favoring the disease and the most effective means of treating it. The importance of treating her throughout life, not just episodes, is also important. It is the misunderstanding of the mechanisms aggravating the disease that increases the scale! So, our medical team offer you not only a diet or diet, but they offer you a balanced diet based on knowledge of food chemistry and mechanisms of metabolism.
Our technique has several advantages;
- Decreased appetite
- Simplifying food intake
- Weight loss
The basic tool of food chemistry
It is the protein / carbohydrate ratio, that is to say the proportion of proteins in relation to the amount of sugar that we eat.
Why ?
It should be known that most obese have developed a certain degree of hyperinsulinism. They produce too much insulin, a hormone that helps make fat. This hormone is secreted when you eat carbohydrates (sugars). A very obese person can secrete up to 10 times more insulin than a lean person for the same sugar intake.
By the way, what is the hormone that helps burn fat?
- Glucagon
Indeed, glucagon is the main hormone that opposes insulin. It appears in the blood as soon as the sugar level drops sufficiently, leading to a decrease in the secretion of insulin. Glucagon production is stimulated by frequent small meals that are higher in protein than in sugars. Thus the protein / carbohydrate ratio is very important. The more obese the person is, the higher the ratio will be to facilitate weight loss.
Getting to know foods that promote insulin production
In the hours following the intake of a carbohydrate rich food (sugars), the blood sugar rises. This elevation is measured by the glycemic index. The higher the glycemic index of a food, the more immediate the secretion of insulin will be and will prevent you from losing weight.
Here are the 3 determinants of the glycemic index:
A. The chemical structure of the sugar of the food.
B. The content of soluble fiber, this is explained by the fact that the presence of fibers delays the absorption of sugar in the intestine.
C. The fat content, the fat also has the characteristic of delaying the absorption of sugar.
There are three major families of sugar:
- glucose
- fructose
- galactose
Glucose is the most fattening sugar because it is the one that stimulates insulin production the most. It is said to have a high glycemic index. The best source of glucose is the starch contained in farinaceous products (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes ...)
Fructose comes mainly from fruits and galactose is the sugar contained in dairy products. These are less fat, because they stimulate less insulin production.
What foods help with glucagon production?
Lean meats, fish and poultry are examples of foods that promote glucagon. These foods will be consumed frequently, but in small quantities at a time, because large amounts of meat also contribute somewhat to produce insulin.
Principles to remember
Here are the 2 main principles to remember for "losing weight through food chemistry"
A. Eat five to six times a day (for example three meals and three snacks) to reduce the stimulation to overconsumption.
B. Promote protein at the expense of carbohydrates (sugars) every time you eat especially when you lose weight. That is, eat more protein than sugar or fat.
N.B. When maintaining or stabilizing weights, adjust this rule slightly in favor of carbs with a low glycemic index.
With these two rules, it is more than desirable to add physical exercise to the menu, at least 30 minutes a day.
Focus on emotions and thought
Emotions are one of the factors that make obesity worse. Some people, in the face of difficulties, take refuge or comfort themselves in food. Others act differently and totally lose their appetite. Learning to control one's emotions can become indispensable in the success of controlling one's weight.
Let's not forget the thought because it very often explains the emotion. We must cultivate right thinking at all times. If at first we have an incorrect thought, the physical body could suffer the consequences. Thought dominates the emotional body and the physical body. This is how we become what we think ...
Ex: Incorrect thinking: "I'm afraid of getting fat"
Emotion: "I feel bad"
Behavior: "I eat my emotions"
To be aware of the nature of emotion, first observe your feelings.
Do you feel discomfort (negative emotion) or well-being (positive emotion)? Feeling opens the door to the consciousness of emotion, that is to say of the thought that accompanies this emotion, because all emotion comes from a thought. Is the thought positive (loving) or negative (destructive)?
If negative thinking is found, it must be converted into positive thinking. Sometimes it is necessary to do this step by step, moving towards a more and more tolerant thinking towards the situation thus disabling the negativity and the false need to eat by compensation.
Three essential steps to control the healthy weight:
- Manage your thought (through the gateway of feeling and emotions).
- Manage the way you eat.
- Exercise regularly.
If we do not like the way we eat, we will not be able to keep our new habits all our lives and it is an essential condition for success.
If we do not like the exercise we have chosen to do, we will not continue.
We realize that without success we can not achieve. That's why you have to focus your thoughts on love. It is through love for oneself that one must manage one's weight, eat well and exercise. Failure is due to lack of love.
Some points of importance
A) Why eat 6 times?
To avoid being hungry. To decrease the need to eat a big meal. Remember that to lose weight you must eat little and often. Very obese people usually eat twice a day and that's why they get fat!
B) Why avoid bread, pasta, flour, potatoes, etc ...
Because starch is the main source of glucose for humans, it is a very efficient source of energy. Starch is therefore advisable for the athlete because it burns these calories. On the other hand it is disadvised for the obese because it is in excess of calories!
C) Remember that when you are very hungry, it is already too late to over consume!
Generally a lean person does not tolerate being long without eating. That's why she stays skinny. She eats often, but not at all.
D) In your opinion, what makes you fat in fast food?
This question I ask all my patients and almost always the answer given to me: It's fat! and I tell them FALSE !!! To understand the answer, you need to know what the combinations contain:
Coke + cheeseburger + fries
Or :
Coke + pizza + salads, etc.
The facts are as follows: proteins between 9 to 9.5%: sugars or carbohydrates 55 to 60%; and fat (lipids) between 30 to 35%. If we calculate the protein / carbohydrate ratio, we get 0.15 to 0.17. But in our opinion, it is the ideal to grow.
Weight maintenance would be favored by a ratio of 0.4 to 0.9 and weight loss by a ratio beyond 1.0. That's enough to make many people think ...
Remember that a sweet food gives you an appetite and that a protein food cuts your appetite.
E) What is the biggest aggravating factor of obesity?
Our way of life One hundred
One hundred years ago, life was tougher. Restaurants were rare. Fast food did not exist. The incidence of obesity reflected genetic obesity at 12 to 15%.
Today we can see and see ... But what is the fundamental reason that drives people to get to this point sick? Would not it be his thought? We seek to fill, to be satisfied, but WHAT AND WHY?
We often blame the metabolism that has become defective, but why did it become so? Interestingly enough, some studies have shown that hyperinsulinism does not correct after weight loss so you can get obesity and not be able to get rid of it ...
Prevention is better than cure and for that, we must think about the factors aggravating the disease and pay particular attention to it.
F) According to our method can we consume potatoes with steak or even pasta with meat?
If you have understood the meaning of our words, the answer would be yes, but provided you limit starchy foods to a very small contribution. Indeed, our method suggests to lose a high protein / carbohydrate ratio that is to say greater than 1.0.
However, during the weight maintenance phase, we suggest a ratio between 0.4 and 0.9 which allows us to consume more, but never to excess ...
Always remember to consume protein foods before sweet foods because protein has the power to satiate while sugars are stimulants that increase appetite and food consumption.
As you can see, our method has the advantage of awakening awareness of the composition of food, but there is never any forbidden food ...